Early Years Foundation Stage
"Education is the most powerful weapon
which you can use to change the world".
Nelson Mandela

A Unique Child
This theme is about how children develop: they are all different and their learning needs and styles are unique too. Positive relationships and good communication are vital so that we can plan for individual learning needs. Children do best when all their physical and emotional needs are met, and this is what we aim to do at Pre School. Staff understand and observe each child’s learning and development and assess their progress, before planning for their next steps. Together we identify any areas which may need some additional support and arrange this if necessary.
The Unique Child relates to all the areas of learning through the Characteristics of Effective Learning:
Playing and Exploring: Finding out and exploring, Playing with what they know, Being willing to ‘have a go’.
Active Learning: Being involved and concentrating, Keep trying, Enjoying achieving what they set out to do.
Creating and Thinking Critically: Having their own ideas, Making links, Choosing ways to do things.
Positive Relationships
This theme is about children learning to manage their feelings and build friendships. We respect all families and aim to develop a positive two-way relationship with parents and carers. Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships. Staff are warm and friendly and help to foster a sense of belonging. We are sensitive and responsive to children’s feelings and support their efforts and encourage independence. Children need to learn about risks and safety, how to make good choices, and how to stick to boundaries
Enabling Environments
This theme is about how we plan for and check on each child’s progress. Children learn and develop well in environments in which the adults provide experiences based on children’s individual needs and there is a strong partnership between staff and parents/carers. These environments value everyone’s learning and offer stimulating resources relevant to all the children’s cultures and communities. We offer rich learning opportunities through play and playful teaching and support children to take risks and to explore.
Learning and Development
This theme is about how children develop and learn in different ways. The EYFS framework covers the education and care of all children in preschool, including children with additional needs. We teach children by providing challenging, playful opportunities across the prime and specific areas of learning and development. We aim to foster the characteristics of effective learning: Playing and exploring, Active learning, and Creating and thinking critically.